Bijay Shah

Bijay Shah

Friday, December 10, 2010

Total Networking

7 down, 4 to go. Over the last 2 weeks, John McGrann ( and I have been visiting BNI Chapters in Dubai & Abu Dhabi to present our ‘Total Networking’ strategy. With online social media tools such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and many more, we’re finding that BNI members and chapters all over the world are embracing this technology to grow their chapters and generate more referrals.

With over 130,000 BNI members in over 50 countries, only a small fraction are using social media tools effectively. A large number of members do not have a social media presence at all. As of December 2010, there are less than 8,000 members on the International BNI Linkedin Group and less than 12,000 members on the Official BNI Facebook Fan Page. Not all of these are BNI members, but then again not all BNI members having a presence on Linkedin and/or Facebook may be following the BNI group or fan page.

Either way, the figures indicate that only less than 10% of our membership is embracing social media. Why? I would attribute this to 2 main reasons: 1) Many of our members do not know how to use these tools effectively and are apprehensive in using them; or 2) Many members simply are not aware of the power of social media.

With our ‘Total Networking’ strategy, our purpose is to create awareness on the power of social media and educate our members on effective use of these tools. In our visits so far, the main question our members are asking is: ‘Will online networking replace face-to-face networking’? I encourage all of you to listen or read Episodes 103, 117 & 118 of the BNI Podcast ( where Dr. Ivan Misner shares his insights.   

In the meantime, keep tuned here as I share insights on our Total Networking Strategy in the coming weeks. I welcome your thoughts and ideas.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Bijay Shah - BNI National Director
The guiding philosophy of BNI is ‘Givers Gain’. All our members know that. But what really does ‘Givers Gain’ mean? We say it’s another way of saying ‘what goes around comes around’ and we’re applying it in a business sense. Another famous quote is ‘if you can help someone get what they want, you’ll get what you want’. I have met hundreds of members over the last 5 years and I’ve come across many members who perhaps don’t fully understand what really ‘Givers Gain’ means. Givers Gain is NOT about:

·        Being necessarily charitable - You don’t have to give everything away to everyone in the hope that you’ll get back more. Only give if it serves your purpose. Giving does not only have to be to those unfortunate or having less than you. It’s about helping someone – whoever it might be – with a sense of purpose. It could be to a fellow family member, friend, associate, colleague, your boss, business partner, stranger on the road – just about anyone who you feel you would like to help.
·        Keeping Score – some people give with the expectation of receiving. Others give only conditionally. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. I believe this is operating in a mindset of scarcity as opposed to a mindset of abundance. If the expectation is of a financial nature than this can also be referred to a 'coin operated networking'
·        BNI or referrals only – this can be a lifestyle. You don’t have to be in BNI to live ‘Givers Gain’. I know some members who operate in so called ‘Givers Gain’ mode in BNI and switch it off outside of BNI. These are the people who are in the mindset of ‘doing’ instead of ‘being’. Neither is this only about business or referrals. Giving can come in many forms other than just referrals: time, support, care, respect, accountability, dignity, commitment etc. Dr. Ivan Misner – founder and chairman of BNI says people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care’.

Sometimes, you may feel that you’ve given enough and not getting back. Remember, the moment this thought occurs, you’re keeping score. I know it’s not easy – it’s the nature of humans. In my opinion, what you may be overlooking is that the ‘Gain’ does not necessarily come from the same source that you’re ‘Giving’ to. Analogous to BNI – the power of a chapter is that you may not necessarily receive referrals from the same person you give referrals to. In a very simple three party triangle, ‘A’ could give to ‘B’, ‘B’ to ‘C’ and ‘C’ to ‘A’ With more members in a chapter this gets complicated but it works! – only if everyone understands the power of this and works as a team. Within BNI you may be limited to the network, but how about outside of BNI? There is no formal team but I can assure you - living ‘Givers Gain’ is the true source of happiness and that’s ultimately what we’re ALL seeking in life.

Just ask yourself what’s your goal in life? Than ask your self ‘WHY?’ Keep on asking yourself ‘Why?’ We all have different goals and different ‘whys’ to begin with. As you unlayer those ‘whys’ it all comes down to ‘Happiness’.             

Monday, September 27, 2010

What is the purpose of weekly BNI Meetings?

Bijay Shah - BNI National Director
As I write my 1st blog - I thought I'd tackle this question first. It's something which EVERY BNI member should understand so that there's no doubt in what needs to be done and why.


BNI essentially happens (or should be at least) outside of the weekly 90 minute agenda. In the normal day-to-day course of a member's activity, he or she should be taking time out to meet with fellow members to get to know them and their business better, build relationships and identify how the member can be helped and supported. I recommend that you invest at least 2-3 hours each week and meet up with at least 1 member from your chapter for this purpose. In a chapter of 25 members, this alone will take you 6 months to get to know each member of your chapter. In addition to this, referrals are actualy generated in the course of the week as you meet new people, prospects, customers, clients, patients, suppliers,colleagues, associates, friends & family and you identify their needs which can be provided for by fellow members in the chapter.

So why then should you be meeting every week? I beleive there are only 2 reasons for this:

  1. AN EXCERCISE IN ACCOUNTABILITY AND COMMITMENT - The requirement to meet every week provides the opportunity for members to hold each other accountable. It also shows each other's commitment. Members get the opportunity to educate and update each other on the referrals they are seeking and the structure provides transparency for everyone to what and how each member is adding value and contributing towards the overall good of the chapter members and their businesses.
  2. TO SHOWCASE BNI / A RECRUITMENT DRIVE - Think of the time when you first got invited to a BNI meeting as a visitor by a member. You were told everything you needed to know about it perhaps but without experiencing a meeting first-hand, I can assure you did not sit there saying to yourself - "Yes, this is exactly how I anticipated this to be!". Until a visitor does not attend a meeting, no one, and I mean NO ONE (including myself in the position I'm in or even someone like our famous Founder and Chairman Dr. Misner) can fully explain exactly how BNI works. You got to be there in person to experience. Otherwise, it's a bit like asking for a haircut over the telephone. Without the meeting, visitors would not know what BNI is. Without visitors there would be no members. Without members there would be no referrals. And without referrals, there would be no business!
The BNI meeting agenda is designed towards a structure, accountability, commitment and most importantly showcase to visitors how it works. It's a performance for visitors. It's the result of the weekly efforts of members. Successful members are those who live BNI. It's part of their lifestyle. It constitutes as an integral part of their business strategy. For those who take it as merely another activity will find it a chore and burden. They may benefit in the short run but in the long term, this is not for them.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome to BNI Middle East on LinkedIn

Bijay Shah - BNI National Director

Welcome! I'm incredibly amazed at the response received in this group & I thank each one of you for taking prompt action in joining. Your contribution will add immense value to each other.

Please feel free to share ideas and information, testimonials and ask questions. Kindly refrain from selling or direct pitching of business.

With over 300 members in the first week and some great discussions already don't miss out!

Join us at BNI Middle East on LinkedIn now! 

